Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I got this bougainvillea about six years ago. Each year I bring it inside, right before a killing frost. It has been in the same pot all these years. Bougainvillea likes to be root bound, so although I've changed the soil a couple of times I've kept the roots intact. It blooms for me almost every month of the year. The flowers are so nice while the plant is indoors that it is hard for me to put it out in the spring, but it does even better outside, so that helps!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I can't believe 2009 is already missing a month! January flew by! I've been busy in the garden, repairing, transplanting, mulching, etc. getting ready for a wondrous spring. I've been sowing seeds in the house as well and my house is a virtual greenhouse. I've started Rubeckia 'Cappuccino,' Nicotiana 'Cranberry Isle,' Petunia 'Balcony,' and different varieties of Yarrow. My pepper seeds have not arrived yet, and I am anxious! I usually grow ornamental 'Black Pearl' but have decided this year to try some other types named 'Calico,' 'Sangria,' and 'Medusa.'

The tropicals that are also living indoors are doing very well. The bougainvilleas are all in bloom and I have a 'Mexican Lime' tree that is blooming for the very first time, after a five year wait. It has gotten so large that I almost left it outside to perish last year. I'm so glad I didn't! I'll soon be making Limeades! This is one of the blooms.