Sunday, June 23, 2013


This is a hand-me-down Canna. There are over 411 varieties of Canna out there. I have no idea which one this attention getter belongs to. It is one of my favorites because the red flowers are shaped like fire. The flames show off nicely against the Carolina Jessamine and my blue fence. The color of the fence, by the way, has become my signature color. It is a Benjamin Moore mix that I'm not giving away. I'll give you a hint though. If you mix your favorite blue with 50 percent Benjamin Moore's Gentleman'sGrey 2062-20 you'll end up with a more serious version of the original color!

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Water Hyacinth Eichhoria crassipes


 Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.  Unfortunately this is true for this beauty.  In Texas, Water Hyacinth is considered an invasive species.  I feel fine growing it in my tiny little garden pot pond as there is no way it can escape into the wild.  The flowers are gorgeous and remind me of peacocks.  Don't ask me for any however, as I have no desire to ruin any of the natural habitats in Texas.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Mexican Oregano Poliomintha longiflora


Mexican Oregano is another plant that roots easily in the ground for me.  I've been able to spread it around the garden where I want it.  I love the scent of the foliage.  I rarely pass by it and not rub my hands in it.  Another benefit is that it is almost carefree.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Pink Texas Skullcap Scutellaria suffrutescens

I planted a couple of Skullcap starts a few years back.  Through the years, I've been able to spread it by breaking portions of it off and sticking it back into the ground.  I've now got a nice little stream.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Coneflowers  Echinacea purpurea


It's the time of year I go coo coo for Coneflowers!  I used to keep this bed free of anything but the orange varieties.  I've become less of a purist these days and I'm starting to like it!  The offspring of the orange hybrids have come up pink and white.  I kind of like the diversity!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


With temperatures predicted to be in the triple digits this coming week, I thought I'd take a few photos of one corner of the spring garden.  We've been blessed with rain this spring so everything is pretty lush.  I'm hoping it has prepared all the plants to say "bring it on" to the harsh summer heat.