To Kelly:
The memory of you, will last forever in my mind. Those of us that came to know your brilliant radiance were blessed beyond words. Out of the billions of people in this world, God allowed me to know you and I can live the rest of my life being thankful for that gift. Everyone who knew your unique and generous heart of love will miss it immeasurably. Even though they live in my memory, I will also miss hearing your voice and your laughter. They were connected to your spirit, which you eagerly shared with friends and strangers. I will forever be changed by having known you. Even though I’m tempted to regret having not spent more time with you, I choose to be thankful for the times we were together. I hope that you knew, in some measure, how profoundly you enriched the lives of those who knew you. I wish I could have thanked you in person for all that you were to me. You will always be in my heart.
With Love, Donald

'Stairway to Heaven' Iris (Kelly's favorite Iris)
Photo courtesy of Brock Heilman