Tomato vines
My tomatoes survived the summer. They have grown up and over one of my arbors. I'm hoping they ripen before we get a freeze. If they don't, I'll harvest them and let some of them ripen indoors. The ones that don't will be used for fried green tomatoes. Life is good!
That looks like a great harvest. Our tomatoes didn't do too well this year.
Simply amazing crop! If they don't ripen, Jenny posted a yummy-sounding green tomato chutney recipe on her blog Rock Rose: http://wwwrockrose.blogspot.com/2008/11/green-tomato-chutney.html I always pull my tomatoes off the vine the moment they start to turn pink so the birds don't get them; they ripen very nicely on a sunny window sill. (BTW I sent you an email a couple of weeks ago about the Duelberg salvias--did you get it, or did you change your mind?)
Beautiful tomato vines, wonder whether they need cold climate to thrive.
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