Monday, March 14, 2011


Golden Groundsel (Senecio aureus) and Pelargonium

I just potted up some bright red Pelargonium.  I've placed them near the Golden Groundsel that is beginning to bloom.  I like the red and yellow combination because it's a little surprising for spring. 

Some of you may remember the dumpster lounge chair in the background.  Last year it was painted chartreuse, but now it is bright red for the 2011 season.  In Feng Shui the back eastern area of a space is the 'Wealth and Prosperity' sector.  I've placed the lounger in this location.  Purple is often used as an enhancement in the 'Wealth and Prosperity' sector so my garden shed is painted a royal purple.  Along with the shed I have purple wandering Jew that acts as a ground cover over most of the area.  Along with ornamental grasses and lots of other perennials the space is 'rich' in its diversity.  I've always liked red and purple together, so I decided this space would be the new home for my dumpster find for this year.

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