Friday, April 30, 2010
Some of you may remember my green patio lounger from last year. I painted it lime green and couldn't decide where to put it. It ended up in this little corner of the garden. My 'Peggy Martin' Rose that has just begun to bloom 'lounges' prettily upon it. I took this photo a day ago and this morning when I looked out she was covered in pink blooms, so imagine more blooms! The sculpture on the left is a found ceramic piece that was beside a dumpster where I work. It had been a fountain, in one of the foyers, in one of the buildings. A friend helped me load it home. A very good friend of mine (Debbie - Love Ya!) gave me the totem that sits beside the lounger for an early birthday gift. If you can't see all these details click the photo to enlarge it.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I have various Sedum growing on my 'inferno strip.' They do wonderfully all through the four seasons. In the winter, as the snow melted their bright colors would show through. Quite a beautiful combination! They are blooming right now, some with tiny white flowers and some with yellow. Sedum is as close as you can get to a perfect plant!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My sister-in-law is an artist and she made this beautiful bird bath. She does glass works as well, including stained glass and fused glass. Her shop is in beautiful wine country in Pallisade, Colorado. Go to her site Pallisade Stained Glass Art to see more of her work. To purchase something pretty go to her Marketplace! Can you tell how proud of her I am!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I always tell people my favorite yellow rose is 'Sunbright' and almost every time I'm asked 'You mean Sunsprite?' Sunsprite, the floribunda rose, is a star in the rose world. Sunbright, the hybrid tea, is not quite as popular but her beautiful lemon yellow blooms and her strong fruity scent is incomparable. Maybe someday I'll get a 'Sunsprite' but for now, I'm in love with what I have!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Dianthus b. and Sage
This bright red Dianthus is growing in the flower bed dedicated to my mother. Her favorite flower was the carnation, so it's even more fascinating that this one returns year after year and is always in bloom on her birthday which was April 16. I planted several of this Dianthus around the time she passed, in 2002, but only this one lingers. Most Dianthus barbatus, that I've planted, stick around for about two years. This one is going on eight. I like how the sage makes the red even more pronounced.
btw- I have a brand new camera so I'm still getting used to it. This is the first photo!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'd like to thank Catherine of the wonderful blog The Shiny Pebble for the 'Beautiful Blogger Award.' I am not worthy! Catherine is one of those bloggers you can't help wanting to know more. Visit her blog and see why!
Today I added the word 'organic' to my header. I wanted everyone to know that my garden has been and always will be organic. I want to show that beauty can exist without destroying God's green earth with unneeded chemicals.
I realized that although my links include organic companies I have never made a statement on the blog.
So I'm here to say 'Go Green!'
Now back to the beauty...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My Ranunculus or what I call 'Runks' are thriving this year. I'll post a photo of all of them in their glory soon. This is a close up of one that reminds me of the English Rose 'Graham Thomas.'
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I have Louisiana Phlox in a shady part of the garden near my front door. The fragrance is delish!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I've been letting Golden Groundsel (Packera obovata) reseed with abandon in one of my larger backyard borders. I moved some Ajuga last fall and planted them at the groundsel's feet hoping they would be in bloom simultaneously this spring. It is!
There is nothing happier than a blue and yellow duo!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I planted 'species' tulips this past winter to see how they would do. This one T. saxatilis 'Lilac Wonder' did very well and is blooming as I type. Since these are naturalizing tulips, I expect to see them again next year as well as the following years. If I don't, well I get to enjoy them now!
For more information about Species Tulips for Texas, go to:
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